Did Cameron order the humiliation of Lech Walesa on the bidding of Beijing?

15 Oct

Pride's Purge

(not satire – it’s the UK today!)

Diplomatic experts are puzzled by a very strange diplomatic incident which occurred at Heathrow airport a couple of days ago.

In an unprecedented diplomatic action by UK border police, Lech Walesa the Nobel Prize laureate and ex-President of Poland was halted and searched by UK border guards as he arrived at Heathrow airport. Walesa complained that his bags were opened and his underwear pulled out for all to see. He called the actions of the UK border police ‘humiliating’

The incident has been widely reported in Poland, but has hardly warranted a mention in the UK press, this Telegraph article being a notable exception:

Lech Walesa ‘will never return to London’ after being searched at Heathrow

I assure you, this incident really is very odd. It’s normal practice for diplomatic VIPs from EU countries to be allowed to enter the country without being…

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