Climate change sceptic Andrew Neil once thought you couldn’t get AIDS from heterosexual sex

19 Feb

Nothing surprises me with Andrew Neil, the man’s a bigoted Tory moron.

Pride's Purge

(not satire – it’s Andrew Neil!)

One of the so-called big guns being dragged out in the media recently to spread doubt on climate change is the BBC’s Andrew Neil.

The presenter has been criticised heavily for being openly biased against scientific evidence of global climate change – despite obviously being so ignorant about the science he doesn’t even understand the difference between ‘climate‘ and ‘weather‘:

andrew neil climate vs weather


But this is not the first time Neil’s been a bit confused about science.

Way back in 1996 Neil actually believed that AIDS was not caused by HIV infection and that heterosexuals couldn’t catch AIDS through heterosexual sex.

Here are some direct quotes from Neil on HIV infection and AIDS which are taken from an article he wrote in 1996 in the Sunday Times called “The Great AIDS Myth“:

The fact is that the number of…

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